All employees are covered by collective bargaining agreements
In the Finnish system, collective bargaining agreements are typically negotiated between employer and employee unions rather than by individual companies. Our parent company, Aspo Plc, is a member of the Technology Industry Employers of Finland, which negotiates collective bargaining agreements for shore staff with the relevant trade unions. In Finland, our shore staff has not formally organized or elected a representative as required by the Employment Contracts Act or related collective agreements. Although employee organization is not compulsory, Baltic Scandinavian Shipping adheres to the terms of universally binding collective agreements, particularly those for salaried and senior salaried employees in the technology industry. In Sweden, the company is not bound by any collective or industry-specific agreements enforced by local labor market entities. Nevertheless, we comply with legal requirements such as discussing primary employment terms, ensuring employee representation, and fostering workplace cooperation. All vessels owned by Baltic Scandinavian Shipping fly the Finnish flag, meaning Finnish legislation and collective bargaining agreements apply to all employees working onboard. Baltic Scandinavian Shipping is a member of the Finnish Shipowners’ Association, which negotiates collective bargaining agreements with seafarers' trade unions. These unions negotiate agreements for both Finnish and non-EU seafarers. When taking a vessel into time-charter, we ensure that working conditions and employment contracts comply with international regulations, including proper remuneration.